27 July 2009


We are excited to be a part of the W A L K Gallery in Charleston, South Carolina. Our "Hello, I Am" project (to date) is hanging in the windows of the old Millennium Music building on the corner of Calhoun and King Streets. We hope that you'll take a stroll near Marion Square to see the exhibit hanging in the windows! We'll post some pictures soon. It's been really fun watching people stop to check out the exhibit and actually READ the sign about the project. We're hoping this kind of exposure will help to move our mission forward in creating some much needed dialogue. Tell your friends and leave us a message letting us know what you saw. Many thanks to RENA LASCH and all those involved with W A L K Gallery. They have really made a difference in the landscape of empty commercial space in this town. Visit them at www.walkgallery.org.

Paz y Amor,

03 March 2009

Women's International Day Celebrations in Charleston

Charleston, SC- Project Speak Up, in coordination with the Center for Women and the Women and Gender Studies Program at the College of Charleston, will be kicking of the Women's International Day Celebrations in Charleston at the Circular Congregational Church, located at 150 Meeting Street, at 3:30 pm on Sunday, March 8, 2009. The days events will feature the opening and continuation of "Hello I Am...", an art opening featuring works by photoraphers and artists including Stacy Pearsall, Mikayla Mackaness, and Priscilla Thomas, a performance by actor Joy Vandervort Cobb, a performance by Leah Suarez, lectures and discussions. Artists' work will be featured throughout the evening. The event is free and open to the public. Please come join in celebrating Women's International Day in Charleston!

The schedule of events is as follows:

3:30-Opening reception welcoming all to the International Women's Day celebrations. Art Opening featuring Project Speak Up, Leah Suarez(www.leahsuarez.com )& Alice Keeney(www.alicekeeney.com )and the "Hello I Am..." project, along with featured works by photographers Stacy Pearsall(www.f8pj.com), Mikayla Mackaness(www.mikaylamackaness.com/), and Priscilla Thomas(*http://priscillathomas.com/splash.html). Artists' work will be featured throughout the evening.

4pm: Introduction and welcome to International Women's Day followed by a discussion about women's issues in the Charleston area, and how they relate to women's issues world-wide.

4:30-5:15: Performance by actor Joy Vandervort-Cobb,(http://www.cofc.edu/theatre/bios/vandervort.html) followed by readings and Q&A.

5:15-6: Reception /Art Opening featuring Project Speak Up, Leah Suarez & Alice Keeney and the "Hello I Am..." project, along with featured works by photographers Stacy Pearsall, Mikayla Mackaness, and Priscilla Thomas. Artists' work will be featured throughout the evening.

6-7: Jazz Vespers Featuring Leah Suarez